Sustainability is a word. For it to be fully comprehended by people it should lead to a place where each of us would like to be, where we’d like to work, to live. A place that is viable as much as captivating. All these places are connected through our 14th International conference “Connection of buildings & sustainability”. We don’t have to go all the way to the tropical forests or the ocean. We will stay much closer. Home, where we live, villages and towns which we inhabit and nature that surrounds them. We believe that those places will lead to a deeper understanding and inspiration.
START 30. 11. 2021
This year’s conference will commence on Tuesday 30.11.2021 with the grand opening of our unique virtual centre. During the all day program you’ll see premium video presentations, which were shot in inspirational places all over Czechia, some even abroad. Each of the topics will be followed by a panel discussion with our guests. We want to share what we deem important to create the future for all of us.
1 + 260 days
The virtual centre will stay open for another 260 days, for all those that attended the grand opening and also for the ones that did not have the opportunity to be part of it. The content of the conference itself will keep on growing throughout the whole time. There will be many inspiring examples of sustainable construction, recordings of panel discussions and much more. The aim is to create a sustainable environment for regular meetings and sharing good examples of already finished projects.
We called together lead experts in the field of sustainable construction. Architects, designers, engineers, energetic specialists, city representatives, government officials, private investors and students – all of them are part of our conference. The inspiration comes from various places and our aim is to raise awareness even within the general public. Communication languages are Czech and English. We entrusted the production to the hands of ardent professionals.
Celý záznam konference, který byl uložen po dobu 260 dní v hlavním sále virtuálního centra, již není přístupný.
How to combine the principles of sustainability with the overall architectural quality of buildings and urban units without the expense of aesthetic, user or technical values.
Visions and goals focused on decarbonization of the building sector.
Examples of sustainable architecture from cities and municipalities in the Czech Republic and abroad.
Cooperation in the creation and assignment of sustainable cities and territorial units.
From architectural design to project documentation. Innovative architectural and urban solutions for buildings and areas in practice.
Industry innovation and evaluation tools.
Streamlining construction and demonstrations of house reconstruction in order to reduce energy consumption.
Energy self-sufficient and passive houses
Unique virtual CENTRE
Our CENTRE is created inside the online meeting platform Gather. Its environment will take you back in time to 8bit graphic arcade games. You can move around the centre and decide on viewing content that interests you the most with your personalized avatar. We created a place where you can network and maybe even get a virtual coffee.
Declaration of Sustainability
How we perceive sustainability is written down in the points of the Declaration of Sustainability, which we issued with leading Czech architects in the summer of 2019, as a follow up on the international initiative
We express our support for the Declaration of Sustainability, with the total number of registered participants to this conference. To sign the Declaration on your behalf or on behalf of your company, click HERE.
About CPD
We’ve been working on making our picturesque country’s construction sector fully sustainable for over 16 years. We share our experience with professionals, the general public and educate children and students.
We are a centre with more than 100 verified member companies and specialists who design, build or manufacture healthy, energy-efficient real estates or building materials, technologies and components for them. They have tens of thousands of satisfied clients and produced thousands of completed constructions.
Conference is a part of project Platforma pasivních domů III (“passive house platform”, MPO, program of the API agency) and ClimArchiNet, which is supported by European Climate Initiative (EUKI) of Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety.